40 thoughts on “I turned f**ty

  1. Happy Birthday Nikki!!! 50 is such a great year. I turned 72 on Halloween this year.
    I am now knitting because I do believe I am headed for another (5th) back surgery. No wonder I had a bad year!!!
    Stay healthy. Eat right and walk every day!!!

    Maybe my knitting will improve.

  2. happy birthday! it looks like you had a wonderful party, so pretty! I am a few years past 50, but decided that 50 is the new 30, and I anticipate 60 being the new 40. It’s all in how you feel, right?

  3. Either “F” age you count it, I say you are a young punk yet. I will turn the first of the “S” ages at my next birthday and am looking forward to it because I now feel like I am allowed to have a voice in some of my groups. Ha!! Happy Birthday to you, it looks like you had a good one!!

  4. Happy f**tyth Birthday! Having another one is always a good thing. Looks like you have the most lovely party with lots of good people to celebrate with you. Nothing could be finer.

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